Self reflective essay on writing
Topic And Selection Project Paper
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Journal entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Diary section - Essay Example During this activity I figured out how to mention an objective fact practice that respects proof inclination on cleanliness among care suppliers. Later on I had a discussion with my preceptor in regards to cleanliness among care suppliers (Rutledge, 2011). My preceptor set me up for the need to guarantee cleanliness in wellbeing foundations to lessen diseases. My preceptor likewise gave me data in regards to offices that guarantee hand cleanliness and how significant it is. Hand cleanliness assists with diminishing clinic procured disease. A gathering where I took an interest was held to talk about approaches to continue hand washing program. At the gathering, it was proposed that, to guarantee cleanliness, hand washing materials must be benefited to the representatives in each division (Beauchesne, 2010). I at that point introduced my practicum manual to the preceptor. The preceptor clarified her job in this activity and furthermore solicited me to give her know from my objectives desires access the following gathering. I drew in with the work force from contamination control office to assess the need of hand washing activity to keep up cleanliness in all the offices. I at that point had a gathering with my preceptor where we had a conversation on the accompanying: the last weeks’ task, how we can cooperate with my preceptor to accomplish the set goals for the for the practicum experience. Rutledge, C. M., Renaud, M., Shepherd, L., Bordelon, M., Haney, T., Gregory, D. and Ayers, P. (2011). Instructing propelled practice attendants in utilizing internet based life in country wellbeing care. International diary of nursing training scholarship,â 8(1),
Saturday, August 22, 2020
When I Have Fears - John Keats A Literary Analysis an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by
At the point when I Have Fears - John Keats A Literary Analysis At the point when I have Fears that I May Cease to Be ( 1818; 1848). This work, is perhaps John Keats first utilization of the Shakespearean structure, is normally viewed as a prediction in allegorical structure, of his initial demise. Shakespearean, as well, in subject. He delineates a ruined shore which envisions John Clare and Matthew Arnold in its void. The poem is even more piercing when we realize that Keats kicked the bucket at the age of 25, a sadly youthful age, with a wonderful vocation of significantly more prominent satisfaction before him. He was the Romantic writer second to none: his proceeding with commitment to verse in the information that he was biting the dust (from tuberculosis) made him an image for the Romantic Movement. At the hour of his demise, the original of Romantics, Wordsworth and Coleridge, could no longer compose the exceptional verse of their initial years. He turned into an insignia of fleetingness, and Shelley's visionary exposition Adonais on Keat s' demise delineates the stunning early blooming and afterward abrupt passing of Keats, the man and writer. Need paper test on When I Have Fears - John Keats A Literary Analysis subject? We will compose a custom exposition test explicitly for you Continue It is clear from this poem, one of his generally genuine, that to Keats the magnificence of the marbles comprises in their ability to set the creative mind into such play as to stir over again in the onlooker the vision of life the craftsman had initially gotten and afterward depicted in the plastic figures whereupon he worked. This for the spectator is the snapshot of landing in that trembling fragile and snail-horn impression of magnificence, of which Keats composes somewhere else the snapshot of acknowledgment of the personality of structure with content, of excellence with truth. It is the moment of the finished texture of the inventive creative mind, either for the craftsman or for him who comprehends his specialty. That is, in viewing a Grecian urn the inventive creative mind of the onlooker shows up at a similar point as did the innovative creative mind of the craftsman a sensitive, snail-horn impression of reality the Idea communicated in the urn; consequently its magnificenc e. The insignificant outside parts of a urn would not make it excellent, a thing of workmanship, to Keats. It is fairly that the images executed there, themselves a result of psyche soul, despite everything contain inside themselves a unique something, itself the posterity of innovative knowledge, that has the ability to set afire the brain and soul of a creative spectator: that is genuine craftsmanship, that, magnificence; that is truth protected in suffering structure for the ages. For soul is structure and doth the body make. Understudies Often Tell Us:Who needs to compose exposition for me?Essay author experts recommend:Essay Help Service Writing A Paper Online How to Prepare an Assignment Write My Essay Reviews The verse of Keats might be restricted as a result of its very focus, its riveted scrupulousness and retention in magnificence. Yet, never has verse been encased in an environment of cleaner charm. In 'When I have fears that I may stop to be', the artist envisions a disintegration of cognizance, of thought, thinking 'till thought is visually impaired'. In reality, in a letter to J. H. Reynolds, Keats remarks on composing 'a few lines' in Burns' cabin, yet says that 'they are so awful I can't interpret them', and to Benjamin Bailey he remarks that 'I had resolved to compose a Sonnet in the Cottage. In any sonnet, however maybe particularly in the smaller domain of a work, each word takes on full weight and centrality. Figurative development can give both a technique for association and a road of advancement, as connections duplicate through the course of the sonnet. In a poem, for example, That season, the figurative example goes about as the spine, the controlling example of the work itself, further fortified by syntactic examples and reiterations. In When I have fears that I may stop to be by John Keats (17951821), representation is utilized comparatively to give major structure. In, When I have fears that I may stop to be, we can see the broadening ramifications of the authentic mode Keats gained from Edmund Kean. At the point when I have fears presents a snapshot of emergency where the speaker considers the outcomes his present perspective will have on future undertaking. Here, however, Keats is at his most contrarily able, as in the sonnet speaks to a Kean-like moment feeling of high vulnerability, communicated accurately from the when of that vulnerability's event. And keeping in mind that the work doesn't speak to a snapshot of carefully social gathering, Keats depends on a similar comprehension of emotional experience to pass on the experience. Keats utilizes the Shakespearean structure without precedent for this, his thirty-6th, piece, and the sonnet is the most packed articulation to this purpose of adversely fit lyricism. (The perception is upheld by the way that Keats made When I have fears soon after making the Lear poem's Shakespearean six-like shutting.) The three quatrains- - starting When, When, And when- - each speak to and talk from a transient second, when, and a full of feeling state, a feeling of being as. Each relates the speaker's understanding of an activity unaccomplished, a potential unfulfilled. In the main quatrain the high pil'd books, in charactry don't Hold like rich accumulates the full ripen'd grain. In the second, the Tremendous shady images of a high sentiment remain untraced. What's more, in the third, the reasonable animal of 60 minutes is never viewed more. The twofold implication of when as second and as state- - and its redundancy in every one of the three quatrains- - assembles and suspends the impact of each demonstration of discernment (the having of fears, the observing of shady images, and the sentiment of loss of the dearest) until the all-inclusive last couplet's demeanor of moment feeling: remaining solitary on the shore/Of the wide world and thinking, without an object of thought. In When I have fears, the artist doesn't ponder past accomplishment or think about the guarantee of future achievement; rather, he advertises a snapshot of unmitigated vulnerability where to believe is to stand deadened until affection and acclaim to nothingness do sink. What is generally showy about the sonnet, in the sense I have depicted in this paper, is what is generally Shakespearean and most Kean-like about it: not Keats' expulsion to a self-removing perspective (Rzepka, The Self as Mind 168), however his capacity to speak to singular subjectivity as a suspended connection between opportunities for self-acknowledgment. By naturalizing a language of feeling pure by story or logical setting, the artist imparts his emergency as if it were contemporaneous with the understanding demonstration. Negative capacity, so frequently portrayed by Keatsians as a private method of social creation, is all the more appropriately comprehended here as an open method of social gathering. The sonn et both delineates (in Keats) and energizes (in the peruser) a scene of gathering overflowing with vulnerability and uncertainty, envisioning another sort of connection between the writer's private experience and the general population to which he talks. Edmund Kean assumed a vital job in molding both Keats' perspectives towards his own social status and his thoughts regarding the changing idea of social experience. Taught to a comprehension of Kean by Hazlitt's showy analysis, Keats' consideration regarding the on-screen character in letters and dramatic audits in late 1817 and mid 1818 concurred with and, I will contend, occasioned his thoroughgoing modification of the writer's job as a social middle person for perusers. Keats' lovely figuration of social experience takes shape in another manner in this sonnet, which bear the signs of Kean's impact first since they render the artist an animal of unashamed vulnerability, and second in light of the fact that the speaker conveys to the general population from inside the experience of that vulnerability. As a subject experiencing both material and envisioned articles - Shakespeare's content, the overcast images of high sentiment- - Keats won't present himself as a social ace, or even, similar to Wordsworth, as a previously evolved speaker pondering back development that approves current discourse. Like Kean, he is a teller of the moment feeling, in which past experience and future probability meet, each without picking up predominance over the other. The perusers of the sonnets, similar to the Keatsian watcher of Kean, feel that the utterer is thinking about the past and the future, while talking about the moment. End The capacity Keats starts to show in these sonnets - putting his speaker inside the snapshot of full of feeling gathering with no peevish coming to after truth and reason- - will impel his progressively serious modifying of beautiful articulation in the tributes, his amendment of sentiment in The Eve of St. Agnes, and his refiguration of the artist's relationship to history in The Fall of Hyperion. The change that has occurred in Keats' acumen at this recorded point ought not be credited exclusively to the impact of Kean. Be that as it may, the adjustment in his pondering verse's ability to speak to bring down class understanding, in when divisions among high and mass culture were getting progressively articulated, looks somewhat like Kean's open exemplification of another performing subject. Hazlitt remarked that Kean's exhibition of Macbeth was an exercise in like manner humankind. Such mankind is the thing that Keats had as a primary concern when he communicated a longing to be of Kean's organization in December of 1817. The fashionables and the blue-loading scholarly world as of now had their artists, similarly as high society theatergoers had since quite a while ago had Kemble and his school. What Kean was in the theater Keats would have liked to be in the realm of verse: a typical man of remarkable envisioning. Works Cited John Keats, The Letters of John Keats, ed. Hyder Edward Rollins, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958) 1.192-93. Subsequen
Friday, August 21, 2020
Risk Assessment of Sangrafix Video Design Company
Hazard Assessment of Sangrafix Video Design Company Presentation SanGrafix is an innovatively arranged organization that utilizations bleeding edge advancements in structuring of versatile and PC stage games with advertise direction. Because of the requesting idea of the gaming business, the organization has chosen to play out a hazard appraisal to guarantee they reliably keep on fulfilling the client needs without breaks in administration conveyance. Making sure about of their system resources is planned for guaranteeing they stay serious in their creations. Point of the security approach The hazard appraisal procedure can at times be a straightforward procedure for example noticing a risk in a secret key recorded on a note or some opened way to the touchy server farms or rooms and looking to address it. In any case, now and again, hazard appraisal can be a mind boggling task that may require a gathering of security evaluation individuals and months to completely do the evaluation relying upon the intricacy of the organization and the affectability of the system resources for be ensured (Davenport, 2013). A huge domain may incorporate different areas, complex system, various exercises, a wide scope of exercises and assets that must be assessed. In hazard appraisal, you dont need to apply complex systems administration approachs as the chiefly you need to figure out how to apply information deliberately to create exact and valuable information. Moving toward a hazard evaluation task without a predefined methodology could prompt squandering of assets, redundancy of steps, low outcomes or in a most pessimistic scenario missing the basic data. The official administration of SanGrafix Company is entrusted with the duty of surveying all dangers of injury and medical problems that may result from the utilization of the companys assets to both the workers and clients of their products and ventures. Fulfilling this guarantees the organization meets the legislature legitimate prerequisites and giving fitting precautionary measure measures to lessen these impacts (Harrington, 2014). Hazard appraisal is a definite examination of the different variables that may introduce chances in the business condition. Medical problems and mishaps present unfavorable impacts to the business as they can bring about imperiling of lives or harm to business items and different yields. This can consequently prompt lawful suits and expanded protection costs. Hazard appraisal serves to address these issues and make a more secure workplace for all the representatives and clients. The most significant factor in this sort of evaluation is the assurance of the perils present in working spots and deciding their importance for example power in the workplace is an immense danger to the representatives yet on the off chance that appropriately secured the hazard it presents to the workers gets inconsequential. There are five stages engaged with hazard appraisal of the working environment condition; Taking a voyage through the work environment and to improve comprehension of the considerable number of procedures associated with the work environment and recognizing conceivable potential perils. Conversing with different representatives can help give bits of knowledge through conclusions on how mishaps have happened before. Settling on the influenced parties because of a given potential danger and to what degree is the hazard hurtful. The evaluating group ought to investigate who is especially in danger for example new workers, students and hopeful moms. Notwithstanding this the general population in type of clients who are curious about the general format of the organization is in danger of being influenced. The hazard appraisal group ought to assess on the presence of enough measures to counter these risks for example using precautionary measure signs. For each hazard set up what are the preventive and defensive estimates set up by the administration to guarantee chance is decreased. The evaluation mulls over the legitimate prerequisites on wellbeing and security of the law. Other than this, the evaluation group should discover extra estimates that can be actualized to help the current measures for example defensive attire and gatekeeper rails for unsafe spots (Harrington, 2014). Recording of the discoveries of the evaluation group showing all the risks looked into and the suggestions to the administration on the best way to manage them. The discoveries ought to likewise assess the influenced casualties and what risks are yet to be dealt with whose hugeness is sensibly low. The last advance is for the checking on of the discoveries and usage of the proposals given by the appraisal groups. The group ought to likewise address the future treatment of new apparatus or work system usage that may introduce dangers taking into consideration a hazard free workplace. Hazard Assessment Methodology As we have just settled there are various methodologies through which a group can complete a hazard evaluation process. In any case, every one of these methodologies need to guarantee they have; Recognized the potential dangers/perils Recognizing of the fundamental hazard Surveying of the current control measures Assessment of the dangers Execution of extra control measures Recording of the evaluation discoveries Observing and audit Illuminating regarding the capable bodies The recognizable proof of accessible risks can be accomplished through perceptions, meeting the representatives or through firsthand experience by working there. Extra information can be assembled through interview of information sheets (COSHH), work environment investigations, danger den sheets, guidance manuals and mishaps/medical problems information. The fundamental spotlight ought to be on the dangers that are essentially unsafe. In SanGrafix, the machine administrators, individuals from the workplace staff, the general population and support faculty are in danger of general work risks. Exceptional consideration ought to be devoted to crippled staff as they are at the most noteworthy hazard, solitary specialists, unpracticed laborers and transient staff. The appraisal group ought to examine the ampleness of the present control methods and further make a positioning framework to decide the lingering hazard (Hallikas, 2010). Assess the hazard The importance of a hazard is estimated by the probability and the seriousness of its effect. Here is a positioning framework for the dangers arranged by criticalness Almost certain Impossible Conceivable Likely Certain There ought to likewise be a damage or effect seriousness positioning framework Minor wounds for example scratches Minor wounds for example cuts Significant wounds ( a physical issue that could require seven days to recuperate for example crack) Significant wounds for example removals Passing These two rankings will be utilized to give the lingering positioning of the hazard as Low, medium or high. In the event that the hazard is low, at that point it very well may be skipped as it presents a unimportant danger. Medium and significant level dangers must be alleviated to guarantee that the potential hazard is diminished to adequate levels. SUNGRAFIX PROCESSES Related RISKS Focuses OF THE RISK Dangers Assessment CONTROL MEASURES Game structure treatment - brisk survey of the intended interest group and arrangement of novel highlights Looking into of this dangers is time and human asset serious which means costs Dangers of the thought getting taken. Clients Organization the board The thought being taken could in all likelihood influence the companys activities as it works in a serious industry. Course your plan treatment to the biggest conceivable number of clients for testing and gather some criticism. In the event that the outcome is sure, at that point advances to the formation of demos can work out. Game primer plan examining the games substance, conduct, and rules in a subjective way given theã‚â current circumstance. Missing of basic procedures Creation office The quality appraisal of the item can uncover inadequacy that could bring about extra expenses The structure stage is imperative to the item and can't be diminished as this could introduce unfavorable impacts. Starter configuration generally takes 5 to 10 weeks for the architect, and an extra 10 to 30 hours for the others associated with conceptualizing. Last plan the past report re-compose of items highlights . Regardless of whether we plan well or follow the accepted procedures a few structures will simply come up short. That is the idea of business Structure division Neglecting to catch the item highlights could influence the promoting methodologies however thorough counter checking can resolve the issue soã‚â sway is probably not going to occur Knowing ahead of time the parts that are expendable takes into account the group to have the option to convey in time. Furthermore, the unsafe parts that are cut can be booked for some other time, so that in the event that it should be taken out, with the goal that the groups time and exertion wont have been squandered. The item determination subtleties how the usage of highlights received in the last plan will be finished. additional time, additional expenses, in the most recent long stretches of creation furthermore, Deferral of conclusive conveyance. . Structure division These is likely if the group doesnt follow their calendar endeavors ought to be devoted to guaranteeing the item detail is as reasonable as could reasonably be expected and intensive The realistic book of scriptures decides the look and feel of the games props, maps, characters, and so on. The presence of the game ought to be in accordance with the predefined vision. Plan office Client acknowledgment of the games is profoundly subject to the graphical feel henceforth ought to be organized. Testing of the model to get client input and execution of the client criticisms into the structures. The intuitive screenplay Absence of User - association Structure division Clients expect an intuitive game in spite of the fact that its far-fetched to happen it impactsly affects client acknowledgment Accommodate a path through which clients can communicate with the framework for example with exchanges and execution of the storyline into the item. Conveyance Disappointment of conveyance or poor treatment of items Flexibly division These can bring about significant effects in declined client fulfillment Chipping away at improving help conveyance as
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Domestic Violence In A Relationship - Free Essay Example
Abusive act is a forceful conduct inside the home, ordinarily including the rough maltreatment of a companion or accomplice. A man can be triggered to abuse a person for no reason. Domestic violence is a critical issue in a relationship and it can prompt such a large number of harms such as, death, lifetime wounds and mental conditions. On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men, (National Statistics). According to Domestic Violence Statistics website, The costs of intimate partner violence in the US alone exceed $5.8 billion per year: $4.1 billion are for direct medical and health care services, while productivity losses account for nearly $1.8 billion, (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2018). In the past, in United States, abusive behavior at home was viewed as preliminary offense, spouse beating was viewed as a joke and the case infrequently came to court, the issue was overlooked and denied. However, in this day and age, the issue has turned out to be more intricate than it was before. Indeed, aggressive behavior at home has turned into a basic relationship issue. Domestic violence is an adversity in our society and it is very terrible that a great many people that experience injury are ladies. Unfortunately, that with this dimension of training given to individuals a few men still want to force runs on their accomplice. It is known as one of the causes of untimely death for women in our society. The lament impacts that brutality leave on ladies cant be tolerated by mistreated person. A few ladies feel the need to remain in a harsh relationship in light of the dread of bringing up their children alone, in the mean time they dont understand the impacts it can have on the kids and also them. My auntie experienced something comparable, she remained in a harsh relationship for a considerable length of time due to the dread of bringing up her children alone, hardly does she realize it negatively affecting the children. The neighbors do not give careful consideration since they felt, it OK for couples to contend. The children watched their dad beat up my auntie for quite a long time, it is awful for the kids to understand. Now it is at a point where they are affected emotionally and mentally by the terrible situation. One day they had a contention and they begun shouting at one another, the spouse began beating her of course, to the degree that he pushed her annoyingly and she hit her head on the divider and passed away. The savage demonstration ended up with my aunties death. If my aunt really payed enough thoughtfulness regarding the savagery demonstration, and she let the world aware of what she was going through, it would have kept her from passing on and she would have been spared from her manhandled spouse long before the her death. I do not agree with my aunties reason for staying in an abusive relationship even though her husband got justified, the kids still ended up with no parent, it would have been better if she left the relationship and raise her kids alone than hurting them for life. Now the kids will face the consequences of her actions. Dread of not talking is another motivation behind why a few ladies cant break oppressive connections. They confront the maltreatment with loads of troubles and all they have left is a hopeless life to live. Most ladies are as yet not mindful of how to battle aggressive behavior at home and the ignorance in legal matters our general public is extremely absent. Women are afraid to report the crimes because they feel ashamed to go up and report to the police. Furthermore, they dont confide in the public eye as though the issue will prompt general society and they would confront more badgering from their very own general public. In the event that society can give more help against savagery, a great deal of ladies would be free from been manhandled. Another reason some women refuse to leave abusive relationship is because, their partner always control them, that they begin to attack their own sense of self and who they really are. They feel no one will need them. The assaults are repeated from days to months and years that they feel it cant be controlled. The injured individual might end up confused and start to question themselves and accept their accomplices accuse. The thought devastates their old personality and replace it with new one that matches with their accomplices. The abused person might feel people will not be prepared to acknowledge them because their spouse has labeled diverse awful names on, so the thought of people not accepting them, would let them sort of remain in an oppressive relationship without think of the lifetime injury they might get from the violence. In the event that society can see savagery from this point of view, and give oppressive ladies the regard they deserve, numerous ladies would be protec ted from damaging relationships. On the off chance that society can begin tolerating everyone for their identity without inspecting anybody, manhandled ladies would not be terrified to standup for themselves. They would voice out instead of staying silent. Voicing out can spare them from violence torment, as well as physical and mental maltreatment. In the event that they get supports required from the general public, they may get over the injury quickly. I hope the movement will lead to establishing legal avenues federally or state wise to put a stop to abuse and maltreatment. It is just a due limiting on the privilege to life of the person in question. Particularly ladies, it is a thing that requires to end as quickly as possible. There is a need to change the attitudes of the general population in our society and moreover assist the people in question by setting up an awareness, making the ladies of the general public mindful of the genuine repercussions of aggressive behavior at home and how to battle it, to avoid life time injuries and death.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
How to Choose a Grad School
What graduate programs will you apply to? Selecting a graduate school entails many considerations. Its not just a matter of determining your field of study - graduate programs in a given discipline may vary widely. Graduate programs differ in academics but also in training philosophies and emphases. In deciding where to apply, consider your own goals and directions as well as your resources. Consider the following: Basic DemographicsOnce you know your area of study and desired degree, the most basic considerations in selecting graduate programs to which to apply are location and cost. Many faculty will tell you to not be choosy about geographic location (and if you want the best shot of getting accepted you should apply far and wide) but remember that you will spend several years in graduate school. Be aware of your own preferences as you consider graduate programs. Program GoalsNot all graduate programs in a given area, like clinical psychology, for example, are the same. Programs often have different emphases and goals. Study program materials to learn about faculty and program priorities. Are students trained to produce theory or research? Are they trained for careers in academia or the real world? Are students encouraged to apply findings outside of academic contexts? This information is hard to come by and must be inferred by studying faculty interests and activities as well as examining the curriculum and requirements. Do you find the classes and curriculum interesting? FacultyWho are the faculty? What are their areas of expertise? Are they distinguished? Are they all about to retire? Do they publish with students? Can you see yourself working any of them, preferably more than one? There are many things to consider when choosing graduate programs to which to apply. It may seem time intensive and overwhelming, but putting in the time to carefully select graduate programs will make it easier later on when you are accepted and must decide where to attend -- that decision is much more challenging.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
intercultural communication - 2808 Words
MGMT 329 TEST #1 REVIEW QUESTIONS CHAPTER 1 1. From an economic imperative perspective, why is it important to be able to communicate interculturally? Economic growth and stability of the U.S. are inextricably linked to world business partners The workplace in the U.S. reflects an increasing cultural diversity Economic imperative for intercultural competence is powerful, pervasive, and likely will increase U.S. workplace reflects the increasing cultural diversity that comprises the U.S. 2. From a technological imperative perspective, why is it Important to be able to communicate interculturally? Communication media and modern transportation systems contribute to the â€Å"global village†we live in Virtually†¦show more content†¦Ethnicityâ€â€a term that is used to refer to a wide variety of groups who might share a language, historical origin, religion, identification with a common nation-state, or cultural system â€Å"Ethnicity†is seen as a more encompassing term than cultureâ€â€for example, one might say he/she is Greek but not share in the Greek culture 6. What is a â€Å"subculture†? â€Å"Co-culture†? Why do we generally avoid using these terms? Subculture is a term sometimes used to refer to a racial or ethnic minority group that shares both a common nation-state with other cultures and some aspects of the larger culture Co-culture is a term used to imply several cultures â€Å"co-existing†Both terms are often seen negatively as they imply subordination of one group to a larger, more dominate group 7. What are the six forces that create cultural differences? How are these forces interrelated and what is the consequence on cultures? Historyâ€â€unique experiences that have become a part of a culture’s collective wisdom Ecologyâ€â€External environment inShow MoreRelatedIntercultural Communication21031 Words  | 85 PagesI. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. FRAMEWORK ...the single greatest barrier to business success is the one erected by culture. Edward T. Hall and Mildred Reed Hall Why study Intercultural Communication? Cultural diversity and multiculturalism are the realities of everyday life for almost everyone. The growth of interdependence of people and cultures in the global society of the twenty-first century has forced us to pay more attention to intercultural issues. In order to live and functionRead MoreSolving Intercultural Communication Problems1447 Words  | 6 Pages Sherwood Fleming s Intercultural Communication Insights . Home Services » CLEAR Method My Book Articles 50 Actions Glossary About QA Contact . 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Perceptions of Social Media Integration †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Perceptions of Social Media Integration. Answer: Introduction: The selected organization is Art of the Table. This small restaurant is situated Seattle, Washington. The restaurant was established in the 2007 and since then the organization is serving great food and services to the customers. The organization has various foods to serve customers. The quality of service and food of Art of the Table is very good. The menu of the restaurant is created by Chef Dustin Ronspies. The restaurant serves full range of local and seasonal produce to the customers. The restaurant put the value of local farmers in a very high place. One of the biggest strength of the restaurant has been the collaboration with the local customers. The staff of Art of the Table restaurant makes everything that are served to customers from scratch. The long and healthy collaboration of the organization with the local farmers has allowed the restaurant gain competitive advantage in gaining raw materials. The prime positive impact of collaboration has been the production and consum ption of the required ingredients from local farmers. The restaurant offers chefs tasting menus and la carte to the customers every night. The restaurant recommends the customers their tasting menu to get the best experience of what Art of the Table do. The organization staff believes that enjoyment of menu have to be decadent and fun. The conviction of the restaurant is reflected through their food and services. The organization has been serving their customers for a decade now and the customers have always enjoyed their menu. The restaurant has been encouraging the customers for setting their phones and worries aside and enjoy the meal they serve in an old fashioned manner. The ambience of the restaurant is so good that the customers always come out from their busy life and enjoy the stay at Art of the Table. The restaurant has always put their customer requirements and convenience at the top of the business requirement list. The staff always try their best to offer their best each night. The organization has a website that is designed with the purpose of promoting their business. The site consist of all the relevant information about the restaurant. The website has the list of the drinks and the foods that the restaurant offers to their customers. The location and contact information of the restaurant is also present in the site. Social media integration has been done properly (Art of the Table 2018). System Analysis: Input and Output of Business: The main input of the system is the customer information and review. The organization put utmost importance of the user feedback. As per the user requirements, the restaurant makes various changes in their menus and services. The first input would be the information of the customer. The first name, second name, address, contact number, email, social security number, profession and various others information will be taken as the customer data. The customer can provide feedback about the services and food they have consumed. These feedbacks will be the first in the priority. The next input is the farms information. The partner firms will be providing all their details. The raw materials that are collected from the firms are also input of the business. The output is the results of processing the data taken as the input. The main output is the information that are derived from analyzing the user feedback data. Taken as an example, the feedback is that user wants more chicken in the burger. The output will be that putting 50 gm more chicken in the burger will make customer happy and will be the budget of the restaurant. Another output is the required raw materials form the firm for particular seasons. Main Components of Business System: The components of the business system are computers, database, website, internal networking and many more. The staff in the restaurant will be accepting orders through the site or manually by the customers. All the customer details, order details and other business related data will saved within the system database. The database is the magnetic tape. The computers will be connected to the main system and server. The website will also be connected to the system. There will be various security concerns inputted into the system. The networking will be done to connect various computers with the system server and database. Main business processes: The main business process is order acceptance and delivery. The responsible restaurant staff will be accepting orders. These orders will be stored into the database. Each of the orders will stored against each customer. The waiter will inform the chef about the orders. The chef will cook the food and the waiter deliver the food to the customer. The waiter also deliver the drinks to the customers at their demands. The customers then make payment against their orders. Elements of environment: The elements of the business environment plans and polices of Art of the Table restaurant, financial resources, organization image, staff management and customer management. Feedback loops: The major feedback loop is the customer base. The increase in the base of the customer will result in the increase of raw materials consumption. Another feedback loop is the increase in revenue due to increase in business. Analysing the quality of the information you found on the website: The section is mainly focused on the information that have been presented within the site. The organizations website has various pages that successfully display various information so that customer can gather required information to understand the restaurant services. In the following section the presence of information as per pages has been discussed. Home Page: Within this page small description of the restaurant is present at the middle of the page. The location of the restaurant as well as the contact information are also available. The page provides information on the opening and closing time of the restaurant. The social media integration shows that the organization has pages in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The menu in the header section within the site is able to provide an idea of what the restaurant serves. Food: In the food page, the two images of food has been used to attract the customer attraction. Through seeing the image the user can easily understand what quality of food is served at Art of the Table. The section About Our Food holds the information of what restaurant thinks about their foods. The name of Chef can be seen in various pages which makes the customer reliable. A quote of the chef Dustin is used in this section to convey what the restaurant believes. In the tasting menu the name of the foods, description and price has been provided. The description of the three kinds of tatting menu allows the customer to realize the types of menus are served. The name of the farms that collaborate with the restaurant are also present in the page. Drinks: This page shares the information like name of the bar, Under the Table, and what kinds of drinks are served in the bar. Analysing the social media website: Art of the Table restaurant has social media integration in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The main reason of integrating the social media into the business is increasing the brand recognition. The users of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will be frequently seeing updates from Art of the Restaurant. This way the brand will be a familiar name among the customers. Improving the rand loyalty is another cause of using social media integration. Through various distinct methods, the social mead marketing will allow Art of the Table a higher conversion rate. The customer service team of the organization works closely with the marketing team through the social media integration. The complements and negative reviews in the social media pages allow the marketing team to collaborate with the customer relationship management team and create new strategies. Moreover, the organization make amendments in the strategies so that customer loyalty can be achieved in a higher rate. The Twitter is the best social media in terms of collecting the thoughts and innovative suggestions from the customers. On the other hand, the restaurant collects the thoughts of the customers about Art of the Table through Facebook in a better way. The organization must select strategies over the tools. Art of the Restaurant has an existing marketing goal. The organization management must carry out an evaluation of the marketing strategies and drive social media activities. The organization can make a Facebook page through which the customers can order food directly from social media site without accessing the website or physically at the restaurant. Like traditional media campaigns, social media is often used to generate brand, product, or company awareness. If awareness is the goal, marketers must have a clear understanding of what happens next in the companys marketing strategy to convert awareness into purchase intent. Bibliography: Allweyer, T., 2016. 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